Who We Are?
Rangefinderspro.com is a website providing you with suggestions on selecting best rangefinders on the market. We do not sell any products and have no interest bound to any manufacturer, our main aim is to save your time and help solve all your problems on rangefinders.
Why Trust Us?
As we talked before, we do not getting interest by selling products to customers directly, we stand on the view of customers and offer best service for buyers, thus all our recommendation and reviews are quite neutral, and can provide real help for you.
Besides, we are not making reviews casually, all the products we recommended are through our careful learning and investigating, which are highly reliable and worth trusting. If you still have puzzle on us, you may go on reading and get how we picked products for you.
How We Pick Best Rangefinders?
Rangefinders are small devices used for measuring distance in all sorts of outdoor activities, such as golf, hunting, and also target shooting. Choosing a best type is not an easy task, in order to pick out the best suitable type for each person, here are the steps on selecting best rangefinders that we have done:
The first thing we need to do is of course to learn the product careful, through Amazon, ebay, and official websites, we get to know the basic knowledge on products specifications, functions and features. We started with best selling types, getting the reason why they sold well, and what common features do they have.
After that, we sorted out several top rated rangefinders brands, such as Nikon, Bushnell and Leupold etc, knowing their brands history and reputation. In order to be more aware of their services, we contact them as buyers and ask several professional questions on rangefinders.
Customers’ reviews are also an important sources on getting more about products specifications and features, and of course helped a lot on deciding which types are worth recommending.
After the several steps above, we actually get more about products details. The next thing we did is to classify them into different kinds. As we all know, on ranging distance, different people have different needs, some are shaky hands, some need large monocular, some require they work perfectly on pinning on small objects. We collected all the demands that frequently occur, and then choose the best types for those specific needs.
What Factors Do We Consider On Getting Best Rangefinders?
In order to help you save much time in finding best rangefinder, there are several factors we take into great consideration on selecting.
Quality – It is the most vital and primary factor on choosing.
Service life – The service life should be long enough so that you won’t waste your money on constantly buying new machines.
Optics – It is a key element on rangefinder, quality of optics determine using experience on ranging device.
Ease of use – Frequent users on rangefinders are old people, a machine with complicated design will bring great trouble to them.
Warranty – It needs to get reliable warranty to guarantee the right of customers.
After sale service – A good after sale service is quite helpful on getting satisfying using experience for users.
How To Contact Us?
We are capable enough on providing you with professional suggestions on laser rangefinders, if you have more questions on the device, you can contact us directly.
Hi…I am a disc golfer and want a rangefinder that has these features…displays in feet, waterproof, works in low light conditions, no more than +-3 feet, and can handle elevation changes. I can’t seem to find one that fits…thanks! Scott, Michigan
If you want one to work in low light conditions, the red display is a good choice, you can find one within our rangefinder with red display reviews.
For Your needs, I think Bushnell G-Force DX ARC 6X 21mm Laser Rangefinder is a good choice.